Richard Bunzl

Have you ever wondered what it might mean to be able to think in a self-conscious way, to be alive, or simply to exist?

What is anthroposophy?

This is a question often asked by people who have come across some aspect of the work of Rudolf Steiner, and wondered what is behind it. Steiner’s underlying philosophy (what he called anthroposophy) can appear obscure and far removed from today’s world, yet it continues to inspire many practical endeavours across the globe, including Steiner Waldorf education, biodynamic agriculture, anthroposophical medicine, and much else besides. What I try to do in my books is look at this philosophy with fresh eyes and present it in new, imaginative and relevant ways accessible to a twenty-first-century readership.


Essays on Freedom, Thinking and Existence

In language and examples that are rooted in everyday experience, Inside anthroposophy introduces some of the key ideas at the heart of Steiner’s philosophy. These include Steiner’s notion of human freedom, his understanding of dimensions of existence beyond physical reality, notably what he called the etheric and astral, as well as his idea of physical matter. The book also includes chapters on Steiner’s idea of the importance of listening, the notion of the human “I”, and finally the human states of sleep and wakefulness.

Inside anthroposophy is published by New View Books and available here 

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cover of Inside Anthroposophy by Richard Bunzl

About Richard Bunzl

portrait shot of Richard Bunzl

Richard Bunzl is a writer and musician living in the North of England. As a writer, he has for many years been exploring some of life’s biggest and most intractable questions. As a musician, he is active as a teacher, singer and choral conductor. The rest of the time he enjoys going for walks and bicycle rides with this family, looking at the wildlife in his garden, and helping his children with their homework.

two books with a plate of bisuits and a cup of coffee
Website: Jan Scott